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Author: ho_welfare
HIV Project: KAP Study
Objective: Asses the Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices of mother to child transmission MTCT protocol within MTCT program
Malaria Modeling Symposium : AMMnet Cameroon Chapter
The Malaria modelling symposium was a day event that sought to favour scientific gathering and
networking on malaria modelling
Event Report: The National Conference on Malaria Modelling
The National Conference on Malaria Modelling in Cameroon, hosted at the Solomon TANDENG MUNA Foundation in Yaoundé and Organised by Health Organisation Welfare (HOW) with its partners, began at 09h30 with the observation of a minute of silence in tribute to the victims of malaria in the world. After that, Mr Ivan MISONGE, Representative of...
The National Conference on Malaria Modeling in Cameroon
The National Conference on #Malaria #Modeling in #Cameroon, held on Tuesday 20 June 2023 at the Tandeng Muna Foundation,
Community engagement to public health challenges
Education of our youth is an outstanding practice which permits us to transmit our zeal, passion, fighting spirit
Compréhension de la pandémie COVID19 événement
Nous sommes heureux d'avoir contribuer à notre façon sur la compréhension de la pandémie COVID19 à travers le thème
Programme de sensibilisation des populations et assistances aux personnes vulnérables – Act 2
Programme de sensibilisation des populations et assistances aux personnes vulnérables de la Health Organisation Welfare.
Formation des étudiants et les jeunes sur les méthodes de contraceptions
Formation des étudiants et les jeunes de la ville de dschang sur les contraceptions à l’Alliance franco – camerounais en collaboration avec l’OHD
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