The National Conference on Malaria Modelling in Cameroon, hosted at the Solomon TANDENG MUNA Foundation in Yaoundé and Organised by Health Organisation Welfare (HOW) with its partners, began at 09h30 with the observation of a minute of silence in tribute to the victims of malaria in the world. After that, Mr Ivan MISONGE, Representative of AMMNet Cameroon Chapter, gave some practical details and an outline of the conference program before the welcoming word by Mr Isah Mohamed, Health Organisation Welfare (HOW) National Representative.

Dr AKINDEH, lecturer at University of Yaoundé 1, started by presenting the mission, vision, values and activities organized by AMMnet since its creation. Dr MILLAR continued with ‘Malaria Modelling as a perspective for malaria control programs’ in which he presented the work accomplished across Africa (Zambia, Senegal, DRC, Ethiopia) by his team to help authorities to tackle malaria through mathematical modelling. The first interactive session, coordinated by Dr ANTONIO, Pan African Mosquitoes Control Association (PAMCA) Cameroon Chapter National Representative, followed. Then occurs the first break of this conference. All participants were opportune to have a guided visit of the Solomon TANDENG MUNA Foundation Museum, take a family picture and have breakfast.
Conference resume at half past noon with a presentation entitled ‘Malaria Vector Control in Africa: situation and challenges’ done by Dr ANTONIO. Dr ELANGA, continued by exposing to the participants ‘the importance of data management and quality’ in particular, 6 key steps to ensure good quality of data surveillance that help decision-makers to make good decisions. Dr AKINDEH ended this second phase of the conference by showing participants how they can profit from ‘North-South and South-South collaborations’. Then held the second interactive session conducted by Dr KUIPOU.

After lunch, Conference resume at 15h20 with Dr KUIPOU’s presentation about ‘Key concepts of general malaria modelling’ during which he explained how to build a malaria model, how to analyse it and how to get some information from the outputs of the model. Mr KEZETA, researcher at Centre for Research in Infectious Diseases (CRID), told participants on ‘How Mathematical Modelling can be used as a tool for decision-makers’, Dr KUIPOU came back for a second presentation entitled ‘Potential research areas of malaria modelling’ and finally Mr KEZETA presented the ‘Stakeholders engagement in malaria modelling’. The third interactive session, directed by Dr ELANGA, took place after these four presentations.

The representatives of AMMnet Cameroon chapter, PAMCA -Cameroon and HOW thanked all the participants, the panellists, the people involved in the organisation and closed the first National Conference on Malaria Modelling in Cameroon at ten minutes to 6pm.
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